
逐梦芳华——阶段性学业水平测评卷 14.That’s the bell. Let’s go to class.15.Teng Fei can play the drums well.
(吉林省七年级上学期第三次考试) Ⅳ.对话理解 根据听到的对话内容,选择正确答案。对话读三遍。
听第一段对话,回答第 16-17 小题。
听力材料及参考答案 M: What do you always do after school, Linda
英语试题听力部分 W: I always go to the music room and play the violin. What about you, Jim
M: I often play football with my friends.
听力测试共六道大题,分值为 30 分
. W: Oh, sounds fun!Ⅰ情景反应 根据听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。每小题读三遍。
1.What plants does Peter see in the yard 听第二段对话,回答第 18-20 小题。
2.What do you want to do in a nature club W: Hi, Tom. Are you in the tennis club this term
3.Do you have history on Tuesday M: No, I don’t think tennis is interesting. I’m in the music club now. What about you,
4.Whose fishing rods are these Linda
5.What’s your favorite food W: I’m in the mountain climbing club. I like climbing mountains. I go to the club
every Friday after school.
Ⅱ.对话问答 根据听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。每小题读三遍。
6.M: Oh. I hear you have a new teacher. What subject does she teach M: Sounds great! My cousin is in the club, too.
W: She teaches us English. She isn’t from the UK but the USA. W: Really What’s your cousin’s name
Q: Where does the teacher come from M: Paul. He is from the UK.
7.M: Excuse me. I am Alice’s brother, Peter. May I have your name W: I know him. He is a tall boy with brown hair.
W: My full name is Mary Brown. Ⅴ.短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。
Q:What’s the girl’s first name Hello, everyone! I’m Jack. Welcome to our school. This is our sports field. It’s
8.M: I like rice and fish best. What about you, Betty very large. All the students go there and do sports every day. It’s a great place for us
W: Jiaozi is very delicious. I like it best. to have fun. The blue building on its right is our classroom building. Teachers’
Q:What’s Betty’s favorite food offices and 30 classrooms are in it. Our classrooms are very modern. There is a smart
9.W: May I look at this photo whiteboard in each classroom. It makes learning interesting. Our library is a brown
M: Yes. This is a photo of my family: my father, my mother, my sister and I. building. It is across from the school hall. There is a computer in each reading room.
Q: How many people are there in the photo We can find books with its help.
10.M: Hi, Mary. Your father is handsome, and what’s your mother like Ⅵ.短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。短文读
W: She’s beautiful and nice. 三遍。
Q :What is Mary’s mother like Helen is my best friend. She is thirteen years old. She likes sports and tennis is
her favorite sport. After school, she always plays it with her classmates for an hour.
Ⅲ.图片理解 看图听描述,选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项,下列图中有
At school, her favorite subject is English. She likes music, too. But she doesn’t like
11.Sam sits at the back of the classroom. maths. She says it’s really difficult for her. Who’s her favorite teacher It’s Miss
12.I have a bottle of water every day. Chen. Because she is excellent and nice.
13.There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. 听力部分到此结束,请同学们答笔试部分
英语试题听力材料及参考答案 第 1页(共 4页) 英语试题听力材料及参考答案 第 2页(共 4页)
英语试题参考答案 99.At homes, libraries, parks, or restaurants.
Ⅰ.1—5 ACBAC 100.How to start/set up a book club. / The way to start/set up a book club.
Ⅱ.6—10 BACCA ⅩⅢ.101.One possible version:
Ⅲ.11—15 DBAFE My Favourite Subject
Ⅳ.16—20 BAACC Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. I’m busy this term. At school, I have
Ⅴ.21—25 ABBCA many different subjects.
Ⅵ.26. Thirteen /13 Of all the subjects, maths is my favourite. Here are the reasons why I love
27. Tennis maths. First, in my opinion, maths is very useful in our life. From cooking to
28. English shopping, we all need to know maths. Second, maths is really interesting. I feel so
29. difficult happy when I work out difficult maths problems. Third, our maths teacher, Miss Liu,
30. excellent is kind to us. She is never angry with us and always explains questions patiently. She
Ⅶ.31—35 ACABC 36—40 CBCAC always makes her classes fun. In her maths class, I can learn about numbers, and
Ⅷ.41—45 EABDC numbers help me a lot in my life.
Ⅸ.46.What’s your favourite subject / What subject do you like best I dream of being a maths teacher like Miss Liu, so I study very hard.
47.Why do you like it 书面表达评分原则:
48.Who is your favourite teacher 此题共 15分,内容和语言 14分,字数 1分。按 5个档次给分。评分时根
49.Who is your best friend 据其内容、语言表达的准确程度及其书写情况分档,最后确定分数。
50.You’re welcome 评分档次:
Ⅹ. 51—55 ABCBC 第一档:(14~15分)内容完整,表达充分,层次结构清晰,语言流畅,可读性
Ⅺ.56—60 CBAEK 61—65 IFDLH 强,基本上无语法、拼写错误,书写工整。
Ⅻ.(A)66—70 BCADC 第二档:(11~13分)内容比较完整,表达比较充分,层次结构比较清晰,语言
(B)71—75 CADBD 比较流畅,有个别语法、拼写错误,书写比较工整。
(C)76—80 FTFTF 第三档:(8~10 分)内容不够完整,表达基本充分,语句基本通顺,有一些语
(D)81—85 FEBDA 法、拼写错误,书写不够工整。
(E)(a)86—90 BFEDA 第四档:(4~7分)内容不完整,表达不充分,层次结构不合理,语言不流畅,
(b)91.activities 语法、拼写错误较多,书写不工整。
92.writing 第五档:(0~3分)只写出个别词语,内容不可读。
93.AI 1.语法、时态错误,每 2 处扣 1 分,同一错误不重复扣分;单词拼写错误每 3
94.Kitchen 处扣 1分;
95.full 2.词数不足酌情扣分 0.5—1分(每少 5个词扣 0.5分)。
(F)96.To love reading.
97.The first thing is to get members for the club.
98.A small group of seven to ten people.
英语试题听力材料及参考答案 第 3页(共 4页) 英语试题听力材料及参考答案 第 4页(共 4页)




1.A.Some tomato plants.
B.A goose
C.Lots of apples.
2.A.To cook food
B.To paint.
C.To collect plants

3.A.No,I am not.
B.Yes,I do.
C.Yes,you have.
4.A.They're my uncle's
B.They are white
C.They are in the river.

5.A.Black and white.
C.Beijing roast duck.
B.The USA.
C.The UK.
8.A.Rice and fish.
10.A.Beautiful and nice.
C.Nice and strict.

16.What can Linda play
A.The guitar.
B.The violin.
C.The piano.
17.Who does Jim play football with
A.His friends.
B.His parents.
C.His brothers.



