2023年下期九年级期中考试 !2.How long haven.tthcy seen caeh otle″
A,FOr nVe years~ B FOrsix ye四 下. C.F。 r scven years.
la.what dld nelen usc t。 do
考生注意,本卷分四个部分,66小题.时量 lO0分钟,满分】00分 .
A.she usod to catjunk的 od and watch 1V.
B,she uscd to watch TV and ex“ ise,
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 2。 分 ) C.sk心 ed to cat meal and veBetablcs.
第一节 (共 5小搠:每小魉 l分 ,滴分 5分 )
14.When docs nele1!!niss caungjunk f∞ d
听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小魏,从湖中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话 A.W·hen shc is happy. B Whcn she Fceb ne~ous C,蚋 cn曲
,你 e is t∞ “Fd,后 都有 I0秒钟的时间来回答有关小翘和阅读下一小魉。每段对话读两遍 , 昕第十段材科 .回答第 15至 17题。
1. V/hat di(lJack usc to likc· eatutB’
15.What dld tlle 8:rldo on Ncw Y碗 rs Onv9
A.she had a speclal mealtogcthcr Wi曲 her路n△1y
2.Whor wasthc nng ma(le
B.she dld sOIIlc sbopphg wi姐 hcr parcnts.
A.In Kofen,B,】 n Amcnca.C.In Thatland.
C,shc washed heI cl(thes.
3,W△扯are they taking about’
16.Ⅵ%o bought new clothes如 r ule girl
A.sch(x)1n△ cs~B.sch∞ l acⅡ0tles.C.sch∞ I.s bedtime,
A Her gun山 nother B.Hcr moule△ c.ner aunL
4.wnlat doe:岱 em扭 l tblilk B the most u阴 气l ulvcndon
17.η%aes be b。 rs resolutIOn
A,The c(mputcf B.1△e telephonc C,Thc caI
A.Iie will work harder号 lt schooI.
5.wnlo invcnted mle pcn9
B.H|e will help hs pamts do housework on、 veekends.
A.A aoen0st. B.A tenCher.C,A studen△
C.He wn1rcad more books.
第二节(共 15小翘;每小猢 1分 ,满分 15分 ) 昕第十一段材科 .回答第 18至 2o魉。
昕下面 6段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从速中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中地出最佳选项。 18.lVllo weIlt for a.llo1.iday· wIth zhan.g Yuan last Bulil〖 ller
听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅淇各个小题,每小题 s秒钟 ;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话 A~His parents. B,1Ⅱs ticnds. C~IIs classInatcg.
19.`Vhat was the ωw△ 11kc Ⅲost ofthc“me
听第六段材料,回答第 6、 7屈。
pul肛~ B.PeaCef0I. C.Nois”
6,△△at colof does C△ na llkc9 ^.p。
20.Whene were也c lad`s children
A.Black B~Veuow. c.B⒑ w△ . A.In the toWi,, B.Io伍e co1Ⅱ∷””!de, C.In a blg ciV,
7.IIow old is Cina
第二部分 田读 〈共二节,满分 4()分 )
A.18. B.I7. C.16
第一节 (共 I5小翘:每小商 2分 ,法分 30分 )
昕第七段材料 ,回答第 8、 9趔。
阅读下列材科,从每翘所给的 A、 B、 C三个进项中,选出展佳选顼。
8.Who boumtthe shrt noIAlicc
A.Alice`bpother. E,.A“ cc hefselC C.AllCe.s s1steI
Waygto Make hsswordg(岔
9~Whads the shut madc。 P 码)sanr
Mav pcoplc plck something simple and easy noFthe passwords,suCh ns sImple co△
A.paper B.Cotω unauol‘ 〈
n, C.silk. 纟且合 )ofther】臣ⅡFs,
agcs,σ b“hdays.
听第八段材料,回答第 lO、 ll趱。
Tk阴 pcople are” hg to illake Ime easy for thcmselves.Butthcy are alsO Inaung it easy nor hacke】 (果
lO.Who thi泌 temages shoud not忱 atIow曲 客面△ )to btakear a rng
lnto曲 eir a° colIIl双 账户 ).nem iss。 Inc龃v:cc.
A.卜`L.Chcn. I,.Maq. C.Lu,da.
●Usc capital let吣
II W1)改 does△Inda haw to do uus evmmg’ △Addnm.“Ⅱ and`or synboIK符 号)to pswords;
A.Buy a【 lew∞ at. B,Do her homewort C,stay up late. ●Don.t use poBOIlal in.nrmnuon:
听第九段材料,回答第 12至 14趱。
●Vse dnuetnt pass1oords for dimerent:lccotuts;
25.Thc thfce uscnul invcn“
● ons ane mainly used_.ChanBe ule passwofds every thrce months,
A athome B~in thc。
f雨ce C,at schα
21.`Vhy do many people use slⅡ )1lplc passwords in thelr daiI/uf0
A.TO changc pcrsonal ufomatlon.
Thousands ofycars ago,in the south ofancient China.th矸
c Iiv例.shen NonB,atnan who had an ox(牛
B.To m处 hcad and ae li△ easy for ulelnselves. 〉
human body,sceng that l(,cal pcople were mfFenng钕
)【〖l diseases.he buiIt ladde属
C△ and houses on a hi吵o help hacke】 auon qulcuy, mountan t(BetlnforⅡ storc hundreds oF medlcal plants To rencInber him.pcople nanled the place shcⅢ
22. n。 w。 la.nen.sh。 uld.wc change the passwords accordi〖 l,;to tlle text Thc ioge:ld(传 说 )makcs shcnnonma u nubei an m访 ung place南
A.Every monul B.BrrytwO Inonms. C,Evgy啦 nounsts Tnvellng th(r is a unt岬 ex碑ncncc,田 months. as Vou can scc scenery orulc mur的 as。Ⅱ to:ll di战 .tnt al“ tudes,
B “
When thc bottom orthc m。 ulltaul ls sunmer.也 c top is spnIg and v`hlle伍 c foot or a hul ls au处
Inven“ oI〗s谰 uallv。 血 thc t(p is,akc a big dime△ ‘eIlce to people.s uve⒌ D。 you havc any geatIIlventlons at hoⅡ e9 Do they hc1p covered wItil lce,..local pcople spcak ofule sp。
ciaI cl血ate of she△。o咽 i【∶
you a lotin yourlife or brlllg vou IIluch funp Ⅱσc ang some oftbe most use九 linven“ onB△ nf肛nilies accOIdng to a shenα〕u图ia s also home to thousande ors” c1g of anlmls alld plants Mmy endangered aulmals△
surVcy. ve mere,such
as thc goldcn I】 lc业eh the clouded leop△·d an.d the Asian blaCk bc肛
T1】 c nlost h.elp6△ 1 and crcatiVc inven“ one interesung and myste】on for kid.s is the rcading pcn、 011s nt△Vith n:atn.ut shennon团 ia is its lcgend of wild men~some people once Clamcd that
鼹 thc speciallyˉ designed pen,kids nnd it convenimt and nun t。 they saw blg pnn“Icam,Little or big n。 。t cFatures.Yet 5° 【h·,sclen“ sts bavellt proved that it s mle a.nd somF say they ar just
kids can lcam a lot,including stOD· -tclling,poems and nlusic,Thcy start bcars
leaming by touchine the contents(内 容 。 The beautmu place has rccclved a neW tltIG On July I72o16,shemon图● )in ule b。 ks with u,e pen.T“ s 旧Fores臼 y oistoct was add.ed to伍 e World
way kids can lca[n by meI⒖ clvcs.They are also great helpcfs for Heritage List as a nntural slte.China n‘ )W has 56 wOr旧 llentagc(贸 查产 )si的s,second onu k)Italy in the world.
sch∞ I srllden‘ ancr sch∞ 26.The story ofsilen Nong tc】1. ls that_,
MOpping r()bo‘ (扫地机 器人 A,shen Nong had an ox body)afe popular with people who are too busy
Io do ho“ ework.They aF nore popular w】 B shen Non.g helped tlc iocal peoplcul omce ladics.· nley can
help people clea l drt,dust and har casuy With 1he help oftiler△ C.shcn N·ong hid medicai phnts nof.llimsclfpcople
(ioit need to spend inuch tiⅡ 27. 、 “lc on housew· ork They cal cnJoy a more 11at docs ule underllncd wofd unlque” in p臼 ngnph 2Inea1
relaxi【]g life aner、 v。 A.unllsu1. B.usua1. c.AwnuI.rlk.
28..From thc passagr,wc know_.
A,shennon曰旧 Ist1.t an ulvit血 g place fo“ ouI,su
As劭f old p∞ple,an el优 Lic noot basln(电 动 洗 脚 盆 )is thc best B.sheunonl幻 Ia is one ofthc wOrld hu△ tage sites
i:lventlol1.It.s a good.cholce to bu、
`on.e nor your grandpalcIlts.It Can.hclp C.ius pro“ 汨that some wild Ⅱlen llve ln shenIlon匈 la
keep their b1° od p】 bsllre nonllal a:ld lnlp⒑ ve blood cⅡulm。n(循环 ). 29.W· hich count。′bas the nlost world hefltage sites
The sp。 cial basin ca【 l kccp ule llaler wam.so w猫 hulg feel wiul n will A.I助 l弘 B.China. C.T0cus.
help old pcople becomC hcalthier and Inorc relaXed.
30. Whatis t.he bcsttiue o。r thc passage
A,The leBend of silm Nong B,Theamz△ ng shemongn C.Chlnnb wodd hcntage si∞
23, It is_for kids to leant with the feading pen. D
Last ycar,61∞ mpanies ln山
A.bonng B.∞ c uk10。 k part u the world· s晰nvcnicnt C,d〗 留欲tc血 ofa four day work w。 eL the results werc soⅢcun
positivc ulat 92。 oFthc companies、 vcrc planniilg to keep the ncw schedule.
24,ACcordIng to the teX1 old people can keep their blood pressufe nomnl by_~ '。
In much ofthe△·odd,a nvc-day wo业 |wcck,usually i。
A,u“ ng the elcc。 mM|onday to Fndaylc no° d basul
is con】nlon.But in soine places,people are tyinB out the idea ofpaying workers
B,listenlng to nlus1c明 th the neading pcn
the mme amount for woftnBjust four days a week
C.c则oylng the moppulg machme w。 止血g
The idea isn.t new,but blslt esscs have been glow to oy it.1bey
Ⅱny bc
wolied thatthey wouId gctlcssˉ work noftheir moncy,0.r thatit could cause other problcrls.Butthc tsul必 oFlast years In the 170· (X in Ccrmany,aInan was away n〖 om his farm in autumn.Thc W留 thersuddeno tumed cold md his
cxpmmcntsuggcstcd the movc might be good for both busmsses and workers. gapes nrozc whgl he came back,How temble!Anyway.thc maltastcd the g尼 pes37._Then· hc docided to usc
Last June,61 0K com.panies agced to uγ 8iving ulcir w。 rkers a folr day work wcek,I】1〖ctum.thcy asked their these grapes to nlakC somc wine,Cuess what’ 38._FOrtWO ccntunes,Grcm 1any was ulc only plaCc where ice
workers to try to do as much in four days as they l sllally did in nVc mys, wine was madc~
Mally dimlfcnt kmds of busulesscs t∞ k pa“ ,inCludu1g on1ne storcs,conlputerteChnokgy compmlcs,advemsln: Then,aC打ladian got thc idea that th⒖ klnd of wine could be produccd ln Canada.A.ner al1.thc wint吖 s are cold u
companles,and ev曰 t a nsh rcstaurant.soinc companIcs wcrc 8mal1,while othc阝 had arou【ld I,0()()wOrkc阝 Canada,and thaCs山 cm“ n rcquircmcnt hr mak1ng icc wlne.Ancr hard work somc gmpc naoner‘∶found the best
The conlpanics found dimcrent ways ofglv△ ng wOrk钌s one m.ore day ofF.Most compalllcs slⅡ lply gavc workes proccss.39~
Frldays or.Others chosc Mondays,or had dimerent workers take difueent days om Tbc expenment nn norsⅨ
1n。nths, The stO】 y ofiCe wule got nc thinking,40,_It s really hard to iⅡ 〗【lglnc the wOfId wi曲 out pcn】 cillⅡ l and△ le
and tumcd outto be g∞ d hr most busIne甾 es, miCrowave.Pe△cilun has saved milhons oflives.And the mcrowave has Cenaully changed the way we c【
)° k,
The nuⅡ“[ofdays when Workers weR Outslck dpOpped by 65%,On averagc,57%mwerp∞ ple quit uleirjobs Li传 is sonletlmes like that When we look for one uin:,somethng cven be“ er Comes along¨ .ifwe keep o1r eyeg
dunng the的 ur day work week tna【 .柄11ars In。 re,thc comp8.nies nlade mor mOIley-about1.4%on aVerage, an(l Ⅱunds
HoW dld Work臼 s do more Ⅱncsstline’ some Companies c1“ IIloctulgs,or made sure thcy wcrc shoder.others uscd A.△o his surpnse,the gnpes tasted so sweet,
tochnology to hclp wOrkers get mor work donc quickil some companies crated a“ 伍ocus tinlc” sO wOrkers could work B.peopte rcally liked his wule.
onj必 t one uling without bcing dis鱼 山鱼⊥ C$′ hat other ulvcnuons ca1】 e about by accident
1n gcncf吐 workσs said thc hur day work week madC thcm fccllcss“ ped About71%said they fel“ 镐s Ⅱbumtout” D You migllt u血 止 th】“s sL如 gc,butids mlc.
with tlleif new work hours,nnd 39%said thcy fcit lcss sressed,Most ofthc wOrkers wene more satisned wiul ule“ me E^见“ ∞ n Canadian lcc wine to bcl如 Id all ovcr tlle womd,
tllcy spent workinB.
31. Whatts thc wofld‘ I盯Best test about 第三部分 语盲运用 (共三节,满分 30分〉
A payinB workers morc, B.Ha“ ng more wOrkdaVs. C,IIavlng twcr workdays.
第一节 (共 lO小朋:每小期 l分,满分 lO分 )
32, `Vhatis TRUE aboutthe 61 VK cOInPaics
阅读下面短文,从短文后各翻所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中,选出 ur以 填入全自处的最佳选项。
①They uod ther best but u the end,they缸ucd Rcspec“
· ng teaChCrs has ah旧 ysI※£nat们“on in China Oncc伍 cre was a man who wanted to leanlfloIn a血 mol‘
② nwt∞k pa“ u thc臼st oFa fou dav work weck. philosophe《
· 哲学家).One dav.hc and his sch∞ 岫atcs had d濒erent opuIOIls on a ques“ on.To geta ~4L~a lswer,he
③ 趾 r workes did lcss m nour da” than whatthey did in nve days.
Went to Visit the philos(pher.In nκ ,nt。 fthc doof onhe philosopb田 s house,~4z~thc gla〖 dinB kid told hiⅢ that thc
④ Ther workers tr:od to do as much m nour days as they did Ⅲ nve days. philosopher was mediuting溟 想yn his r∞m and askedthe man to go backHe~坐
A.CX② B,Co c,g× ~to leal c,s()the lmle boy lcn hrnD alone and。v·cnt li1.
33 Wllat was the mostlx,pular way oFglˇ ing wOrkc用 0ne m(,re day ofp An钎 a whilc。t bCBan to snowl~坐 _.ThC"削e boy camc out again and reIn1ndcd the man tha“ he phno∞phcf
A.CiVing workers Fidays o正
II i典t spend矶 e whole aneIn。。n medltatInB,nc inntcd the 1)lan to~45~hinselfulthc houe to avoid the Wl〖 ld肛ld
B,Cinng wOrkers Mo【 ldays ofF.
snow,But ulc man kept standⅡ lg ln thc snow and wanulg ou皙 ldc m ordσ thu he could ask the pilosophers~坐
~。n the
C.Civ】ng wo放 (m|Tues曲ys ofF
34.W11at does thc ul(lerhngi word ‘distuIbcd° mean Ass∞n as thc philosopher flnlsbed nledltatlngme boy rcported that the ina〖 l was walu〖lg outsIde.Wheu~业
A忽 B.鼓 C.打 ~tlus,视 励 扰 the phmosopher canlc outto see the IInn.When the door was opm矶 eveo o。 cwm~48~The snow wasIIDre than a
35. Which ls the best wofd to desc】 bc山 e test,
f°ot dcep,butthe m.m sto(ds“ ll, 49 movng ho feet,“ Young man,why are,ou so siuv9 You c。 uld havc coⅡe ngain
A.Iinpossiblc B.sucoessh1, C.Difncult.
somedayl” Thc pmos。 pller t∞ kthe mm t° 山e rα ,】I:龃 (,nCe.
第二节 (共 5小题;每小猢 2分,满分 lO分 ) °
As a student,..ifI wantto lcaⅡ l toln the teacher” ,I should..~ofcouse.,.nes肛 另mluy wait。u、idc.,.n sald the
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入全自处的疑佳选项。每个选项仅使用一次。 nun,shaking、△th cdd,
My patcn心 usuany CeIcbnte a spcciaI day by muo9△ ng a spcc0l k md oFwⅡ lc caIIed C【】!⒓dla】llcc wln⒍ Thc philosophcr was ve△ happy and accepted the ii an as his studcnt b∝ ause of his poImmess and c· m。nt()lcam~He
My mother oucctold me tbe stOIγ oFicc w△ nc.To make it,people Ⅲust teeze grap昏 oI tbc明 ne.36,_ tau811t tlle man a11“s phllosophicaIthoughs,ThatImdc a bi8~50~to thc〖 mn.s lifc.Latcn thc man rmlly leamed a ht
so[lletmcs~a留 eat nm· product s ⅡlvCntCd by a∝】dent.And thars exactly how wc go“ ce wl:le, oIld Ⅱade great collmbu‘ons(贡献)to his county.
41,A.similar B corfeCt C,wr(ng ⑥.垦彐睡幽虹世虫业很重要 J pracucc ulking about dimerentt。 pics in Chinese when i am Cycling aroun吐
42.A.besides B howevcr C.an,、
`ay c伍cctively talking to myselfor in my beao thinklug mmugh di熊 rent con、 emtions a:ld sccuanos(场 采).For example,if
43.A.hord B.agecd C.rehsed I go to a shop.l wlllth1nk hoW to say thatin Chincsc.It hclps me to think tn a Chtnesc way,which is really mpo〖 蓖n“
04.A.hcaˇlly B.cady C deeply L凹mng alanguagc is ncvσ 四γ Basicamy,l just u茹 everv tooI on hand and oke my lcanllng stcp by step,and I.m
45.A,w:lnn B.‘ Ⅱd C cool stul icarning new thulgs to th:s day!
46~A.metI】 od B.opullon C.record 61.将①翻译成中文:~
47.A.hearulg B.seculg C tcling 62.将②处翻译成中文:
48.A.exCited B,rlaxed C.shockod 63,将③处拥泽成英文:
49.A,mthout B.by C on “将④处翻译成中文:
sO.A,Cholce B.die0enCe c,dccislon 65,将⑤处谰泽成英文:
第二节 (共 10小题;每硒 I分 ,漓分 lO分 ) 第四部分 写作 (满分 10分 )
阅读下面短文,在空自处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 发明改变世界 “.ˉ暗你根据表格,以 nle M。 st usemIIw四tl。 d’为趱,写 一篇短文介绍手机的发明时间、人物.
Ata r沌 m tin Qingdao,meals ane c∞ ked by mbotic chefs(机 器人厨师).Custom尔 can Wath hoW曲 e 于机的下 二 ′
`分 个用途并π 谈两'′ 为行少年的你们如何合理地使用手机.使它成为摄布用地发明乏 -
的od_51~~(cook)by che岛 in thc kitchcn,so the、·feel san and certaln about thc伍 ood thcy eat. `i作 Thc`犭 ost Usenul Invention
_s红“takcs a robot only lO m△ nutes to Cook a dish,the∞ lors and】 8ste5 0fthc dIshcs are almost伍 e same as ulo肟 Invention Mobile ph。 ne
cooked by human chens.
1nVentor Amencan,Manin Cooper
such rt botlc kitchens Work beocrin~53~(cut)6ood waste,Research shows that about sO%oFvegetabics&c ·
rimc 1973
wasted duuB伍C prcparamon ofdlshes.To impfove this situatIOn,the vegetables w“ l bc scntto~54 facmryto be
us鸭 e(用途) I.与他人交流方便
washod and thcn amve a“ hc reso刂mtIcady for c〈 )oung.Because~班 ~this whole proCe甾 “here will bc l血 lc‘ood 2.代替相机照相
waste produced Bcsides.uK rcstau ant will coll¢ t ule unused or unmten vcBc∞ blCs and f由 d~56~(thCy)1()an1onls.
】1e htchcn w出 tc is_查
Y·o1r opinlons about how to use lhem wcll 1,允许青少年使用手机
The nsc ofthe robo=u~c~囚 (sgun咀at)Cut ulthls warnts shows thatsOI〖 leˉstauBnts ane Il()△ paylng Ⅱore attclltlon to the~∮墨~=(safC) 2.以正确的方式使用它们
:lnd nrcghilc思 s oFnood,Thcy moet=● 9 (pcoplc)need含 nof safc a〖 ld hGaIthy food,
The I()bouc utchens are Challenglng the~6o~(tadi“ on)rgtaunntIIldu血 y.Is me robot1c ktchen thc血 tunB of
m·staumnts T△△e wnltc11.
要点如下:短文必须包含以匕内容,可以适当发挥,语意连贯(共 ,词数 8σ lOo(开头已给出 计入总第三节 5小题:每小翘 2分,满
,不 词效)
分 lO分 )
Many p∞ plc afe颐ng ω leam 8∝ w Ian四agc.0.some匪虫虫L四处垫cr l哂!a hob垭 旦皿豇迹k匝l四mn
nlc MOst vsenuIInv切 .“。n
uec蛾Lls匝鲤亟查±y thC⊥迫哧匹s巫义 人sa奶 Flgncf who is r捌 ″nt¨ stcd Ⅱ 0lulese cuIturc.i llke kamulg Mobile phoncs one of thc n·lost uscnul
It s repooed that a p“ on needs to know atleast 3,(XX)Chincse charaCters俘 字” und“md most Chnese
Cn鱼 迎 汉凶 旦 冱 旦 鱼 Ξ虫 塑 世上±∶延 亘 塑 -垭‘±血 ‘鱼 △座 坠 业 垭 |Mav.It B伍 cⅡ()st d而 cult pam nof me,t。 。.But
I nagc o u· n的 eaCh chamcter by watching vid∞ s ollline,WheI〗cvcr I seC n Chnract曰 I dont lm· w,◎ .我会 扭 宜 呈 I塞
差 且 查 囡 主 廴 slowly Icanlcam moF and mon;chm.ctcn thtar c〈 tnillon Ⅱ daily lifc.
As fof Ⅱ“cnhs I usua10 downbad(下 载口 ot oF listenlllg】mtcnals and l△ sten to山cin on the way to sch∞ I,work
and evcn d.ates明 th my mmds.④ I als±匹鲑鱼咚J扭cn鱼g垫 Watchi亟 .C鱼mcsc rv sho明 and nI吣 ,In tbis Way,Iam
ablc to lcarn how to eXpressimyse1flike a Chln会 c.
" " □l
' ' '潦
湔 疝
0 0 u
~ o u
· μ μ ω ∞ ω △n个 ∞
· ω ω 由 滩 辞∽ 个 ω ~
· μ 咨 再·
m 冖 > 冖
础 叼 > 冖> 冖> 冖>一 》 》一 一 一 一 》 》 》 秭
曲 H驾 露 个
" ˇ r
一 渭 呐口 冖口 冖口 一∞ 冖0 四 四 ∞ 〖∶丌 口 ·确一 羽
⌒ 也
潮 砌⌒
一 一 一 一冖 冖 ⌒ 褂 肖 留 日o o 冖 o 冖 o 冖 o or,ooo μ
一 一 一 一 骆 渊一 南 哕 渊醐 斟溜 壮咖 ~
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· 个 ω ∞ ω ∞ α) ′J° 、 目 礴 晡 ◇· 0 猢0 ∞ 闷 Φ 0 鹳 娴 拥 畔 >
壮 ∽ ∽ 霈 夼
N 壮 冖 冖 一 冖 冖 μ 魑 捆 目 蛆
μ · N μ > > > > > 》 》 》 》 》 诤 回 m0 如 泗 菇0
净 寄 〓 洛
C0Cl】 ∞ tr∞ 习 醉 炯∞ C0【9,0四 № 骆 帝 咐 闭 刨
ˇ ˇ ∵冖o 冖o 冖o 冖 冖 聃 摁 籀 郧0 o
一 一 oC)oo
一 一 一 o 个 酮
0 ·黜 屮 雠
一 冖 冖 冖 冖 瑜 Ⅱ 如 邮0 0 0 0 ·口 一 0一 一 冖
一 鹳 猁 我 · ·
冖 冖 冖 冖 μ μ μ μm m m m m ∽ 个 ω ~ ~ 如 捕一 一 一 一 一 斗 冲 △
了 了 了 了 T ▲· 阳 谌u
∞ ∽ 甾 弧
∞ 个 小 ·
· · ^∽^个伞 ∞ N 一 0【9,t0∞
【 〓【 搽 >μ 柑
拙 山
》 冖》 》 一> > o.oC)oo 0μ
划 一 一 一 一
瑜 峪
冖Φ 一 冖 冖 冖 紧 四 四 Φ 四 潮 凇
~ 一 一 一 一 一别 冖o 冖o 冖 o 冖 冖
~ P
0 μ μ μ μ 确
o o o ∞ N o
一 一 一 一 一 · 沙
鎏冖> 一 一 冖 冖 ·
一 > > > > 壮 △
∽ 个 个 ^ ^
0 Φ ∞ N
o 冖 冖 冖 一 冖 ~0 摊
∽ ∞ 田 ∞ 口 ∞ 寄
Φ 渊伞 一 一 一· 一> 冖> 冖> 冖> 冖> 冖o 冖 o 冖
一 一o 冖o 一
一 一 ≡ 一 一 一 一 一 一 〓 ˇ 啦
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一 一 一 一 一 ~ ~ ~ ~ i`) 十冖o 冖o 冖o 冖 明o 冖o
一 一 `一 一 0 ~一
冖 > 冖> 》 》 》
一 一
冖 ⌒s四 ∞ 口 ∞ t,, 茁 并
一 一 一 一 一 舯
0 u 冖 一 o o 冖
0 o
冖o 冖o 臣 恣
· ∽ 一 一 一 一 一 讨 出
商 冈
∞ ~ ~ M ~ ˇ
0 Φ ∞ N o
冖 > 冖> 冖> 冖> 冖>
一 一 一 一 一
冖 冖
∞ 冖
冖 冖
四 田 口 ∞
oooo o
凵 冂
一 '‘ o ` o o o
0 ¨ 俞 u 小 ω
〓 .亠o
υ 冲肃
● 料⌒
m 浒
● ˇ
o ⌒
° μ0 中
彐0 日
、 ˇ m
汁 阎
` 冈
一 习ハ △< J
o o
ハ 日 音
口 一 啉
拙 ° ハo0 dc
~ o 一 ·
划 由
~ E 王
日 一
彐 靼
Φ m
1-5 . CCABC 6-10. BACBA 11-15. BBABA 16-20. BBABC
21-25. BCBAA 26-30. BABAB 31-35.CCACB 36-40. DABEC
41-45.BBCAA 46-50. BACAB
51. is cooked 52. Although/Though 53. cutting 54. a 55. of
56. them 57. greatly 58. safety 59. people’s 60. traditional
61. 他们中的一些人认为它只是一种爱好,而其他人学习它是因为他们工作或学习需要。
62. 然而,一些外国人认为这是如此之难,以至于他们半途而废。
63. I’ll write it down and look it up.
64. 我也通过看中国的电视节目和电影来练习听力。
65. It’s also important to speak Chinese as much as possible.
四. 写作
The Most Useful Invention
Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions. It was invented by an American called
Martin Cooper in 1973.
I should say that the mobile phones have really changed our lives. First, it's more convenient
to communicate with others by using the mobile phones. Second, people are used to taking
photos with mobile phones instead of cameras. And we can even go shopping, listen to music
and watch movies on the phone. Third, we can easily learn something useful by surfing online. In
this way, it helps us study.
In my opinion, we teenagers should be allowed to use mobile phones, but not on weekdays.
And it's necessary to use them in the right way with the help of our teachers and parents.