读后续写(Continuation writing)
Exercise 11
A wealthy man and his son loved to collect works of art. They had everything from Van Gogh to Picasso.
When the Vietnam War broke out, the son went to the front. He was very brave and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father as well as their devoted gardener was in deep sorrow after hearing the news.
A month later, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood there with a large package in his hands. He said, “Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He often talked about you and your love for art. " The young man held out his package. "I know I'm not a famous artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this." The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, and it was so much alike that the father was moved to tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. "Oh no, sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift. " J
The father named it The Son. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see it first before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.
The man died a few months later. According to his living will, there was to be an auction(拍卖) of his art collection. Many people gathered including the devoted gardener of the man and his son sitting at the very back of the room. Most of them were eager to buy one of his collections. On the platform sat the portrait of his son. The auctioneer announced, “We will start with this portrait of The Son. The starting price is $10. Who will bid for this picture "
However, there was silence. Then a voice in the first row shouted, "We came here to see the Van
Goghs, the Picassos. Get on with the real bids."
注意: '
Paragraph 1:
The auctioneer kept on asking if someone was willing to bid The Son. Finally ,
Paragraph 2:
The impatient crowd asked the auctioneer to go on with the next item. Unexpectedly ,
文本主要内容为:富翁的儿子上前线英勇作战牺牲了。被救的年轻人画了儿子的肖像画送给富翁。 富翁死后,其生前收藏的名画被进行拍卖。拍卖师依照富翁遗嘱,起拍的第一幅画就是《The Son》。然而在场的人似乎对这幅画不感兴趣。
理清故事主要事件(events) :富翁生前收藏了很多名画,而他最珍视的是儿子的肖像画。富翁死后,拍卖师遵照遗嘱拍卖他的收藏品。第一个拍卖品就是《The Son》,然而却无人问津。
根据已知人物、事件及续写段落首句预测故事发展(development):故事总体的发展可能是谁愿意买《The Son》,谁就能得到他的所有财产。续写第一段:拍卖师追问有没有人愿意出价买《The Son》。结果只有那个忠实的园丁愿意出10美元买这幅画,因为没有人出更高的价,园丁自然就拍得了这幅画。续写第二段:出乎意料的是,拍卖师却宣布拍卖到此结束。原来,富翁生前所立遗嘱规定谁拍得了《The Son》,谁就得到他的一切。直到那时,在场的人才恍然大悟。
结合下划线词罗列写作要点(points) :第一排这个不耐烦的叫嚷声恰是为了衬托最后一排老园丁的声音。因此,第一段可以借助voice的主人“the devoted farmer",写他以他能承受的起拍价10 美元来竞拍下主人最珍惜的画《The Son》。而续写第二段,当那些人等着拍卖师拍下一个作品的时候,出乎意料的是,拍卖师宣布拍卖结束,在场者必然想知道原委。这里可以推测这与富翁生前所立的遗嘱有关。其实这场拍卖会只有一件拍卖品,那就是儿子的画像,谁愿意买谁就可以得到富翁所有的财产。
二、 参考范文
The auctioneer kept on asking if someone was willing to bid The Son. Finally, a soft voice came from the very back of the room. It was the devoted gardener that whispered he would offer 10 dollars for the painting. Being a poor man, it was all that he could afford. With nobody bidding for a higher price, the gardener took possession of The Son.
The impatient crowd asked the auctioneer to go on with the next item. Unexpectedly, the auctioneer immediately announced the auction was over. Puzzled and angry, people present urged to be informed of the reason. The auctioneer explained when he was called to conduct this auction, he promised not to let out the secret until the end of the auction. As a matter of fact, in the wealthy father's will, only the portrait of The Son would be auctioned. Whoever bought the son would inherit his entire property, including all the other works of art. Not until then did those people understand The Son meant everything to the father.
三、 范文解析
范文围绕文章的内容进行了合情合理的拓展。《The Son》这幅肖像画,贯穿全文。主要人物中的园丁显然对主人有着深厚的感情,10美元起拍价也是他可以承受的价格,那么续写第一段的内容就水到渠成。第二段根据所给出的unexpectedly 一词,续写拍卖会出现了大意外。知晓原因后那些人才如梦初醒,恰符合故事发展的逻辑。
四、 提炼归纳
读后续写应首先读通给定文本,明确故事人物关系,理清故事主要事件,然后根据已知人物、事件, 续写故事发展情节。难点在于要合理衔接所提供的各段落开头语,与所给短文高度融合。
2 .有效组织语言
在所给定的10个下划线词中应用5个以上的关键词语,使它们之间相互关联,符合故事发展的逻辑。例如范文中第一段用强调句渲染了园丁的出场,用“with+宾语+宾补"的结构灸明无人与园丁争这幅画的现状。在第二段中,选用“puzzled and angry”形象生动地描述了在场者的心理,当中“as a matter of fact” 道出了富翁生前遗嘱的内容,为范文运用“will,portrait, works of art”三个下划线词语提供了条件。最后 "not until”引导的倒装句说明只有儿子才是他最宝贵的财富。这些句型的使用不仅体现了语言的丰富性和准确性,还使得给定文本与续写内容上下连贯。